Chemistry Minor Degree Plan
For assistance in setting up a Chemistry Minor please contact the Chemistry Minor Advisor (contact information below).
For problems with this application contact the advisor or the Chemistry & Biochemistry Department main office.
General Information
This website allows TTU students to develop or modify their Chemistry minor degree plan at their convenience.
This program will enforce all of the course requirements for a chemistry minor, so any plan developed here should be accepted by your Dean's office.
Consult the Undergraduate Catalog for further details and residency requirements.
How does it work?
Non Arts and Sciences colleges will accept the electronic copy of the chemistry minor degree plan. It will then need to be sent by
email to your major advisor prior to completion of your degree
ONLY Once.
If you are returning to modify your Chemistry minor degree plan, you are free to do so;
However, you can only submit one new plan per 30 day Period.